Why Won’t My Girlfriend Kiss Me

Why Won’t My Girlfriend Kiss Me?

She is not yet strongly attracted to you. You can work out several reasons for her behavior, but any relationship expert would tell you that a girl can’t keep her hands off a guy she is deeply attracted to.
There are a few things you might be doing wrong that might trigger a low interest level on her part. Here are the more common mistakes guys make early on in a relationship.

Getting Too Close To Her Too Soon

Learn to be mysterious and always be a challenge. It requires a lot of discipline but the rewards are worth the effort. Keep a distance from her till she starts getting close. Let her initiate signals that she wants to get intimate with you. The one who care less always dominates the relationship.

Looking Desperate

This is a very common mistake most guys make. They start looking desperate for some action. There is time for everything; there are no shortcuts. Girls can sense when guys are desperate and they lose interest because you are no longer a challenge. Be cool and detached, she will find it mysterious and would want to get close to you.

Asking For A Kiss

This is a serious no. Asking her permission before kissing her would never work unless she is really attracted to you. If you are unsure, don’t try it. Asking is submissive, there is no authority in it.

Making Her Uncomfortable

Relationship is all about how comfortable she feels with you. She should be able to trust you before she gets intimate. Take the time to build the trust factor. Let her know that she can enjoy your company without feeling the need to give something in return.
The best thing would be to let the first few dates go by without you initiating anything. She is more likely to kiss you when she feels comfortable doing it.
The bottom line is, generating attraction by being aloof. The closer you try to get the farther she will get away from you. Get her interest level high and everything is a cruise from there on.